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Resideo Pro Perks

Buy Honeywell Home & Resideo products and simply watch your points grow!

Pro Perks overview

Perks Loyalty Programme offers your company the ability to earn even more with every pound spent on Honeywell Home & Resideo products, offering a great selection of rewards.

website account icon

Step 1

Create a Pro Portal account

purse icon

Step 2

Points can easily be earned by making purchases of Honeywell Home and Resideo products through dedicated wholesalers

product box icon

Step 3

Additional points can be earned through the purchase of qualifying products

plant icon

Step 4

That’s it! Sit back and watch your points grow

How to collect and earn points

Collect point through purchases

Collect points on all purchases of Honeywell Home and Resideo products.
£1 spent = 1 point earned
(Your company’s minimum annual spend needs to be £1200 to start earning points)

Achieve gold or platinum tier level to multiply your points!
Gold Tier £1 spent = 2 points earned
Platinum Tier £1 spent = 3 points earned

Boost your points even further by purchasing products listed in our Reward Bonus Products.


Reward bonus products

Purchase any of our selected Reward Bonus Products and earn more points!

Find our current dedicated wholesalers below, more to come soon!

Wolseley logo.City Plumbing's logo.JH Plumbing Supplies logo, text stacked JH in blueADI a Resideo company logo.BBS Logo
Total Plumbing Logo.CONNECT LogoTucker French LogoMaloneys Logo.

Don't wait! Join Resideo's Pro Perks loyalty programme today!