XC100-DE-A XC-series Battery Powered Carbon Monoxide Alarms

XC100-DE-A XC-series Battery Powered Carbon Monoxide Alarms
In the XC series detectors, electrochemical cells made according to their own design were used to ensure compliance with the European guaranteed standards EN50291-1: 2010 for domestic rooms and EN50291-2: 2010 for recreational vehicles and similar facilities. The lifetime and warranty for various models is 7 or 10 years.
Product overview
- Proprietary, proven sensor technology with long service life
- Independently certified by BSI for DIN EN 50291-1:2010 and DIN EN 50291-2:2010
- Sealed housing for protection against harmful environmental conditions
- Alarm and event memory
- Optional pre-alarm
- Maintenance free - no parts to replace
- 10 years (XC100, XC100D) or 7 years (XC70) Lifetime and warranty
- Tamper-proof due to sealed battery
- Monitoring of even low CO concentrations possible