Heat pump
Whether in offices, commercial buildingsor low-energy houses, we offer a complete product portfolio, including remote connectivity.Electronic Heat Pump controllers are available for both monoblock and split configurations. Thanks to our Know how in controls and refrigeration circuit, Resideo can customize the control algorithms in our cooling application center. The new advanced control logic developed by Resideo, allow a clear improvement on the Seasonal Coefficient of Performance. Connectivity solutions can enhance the monitoring and service of the appliance, helping to lower the total ownership costs.

A microCHP appliance allows you to generate heat and electricity from a single source, close to the place it is used, on a building level. CHP systems displace grid generated electricity. This means they are significantly more efficient than power stations, because energy isn't lost during transmission and transportation leading to considerably reduced carbon emissions. Resideo offers a comprehensive range of products for a fuel cell microCHP appliance.