Honeywell Home Thermostat Users Who Use Scheduling Feature Consistently Can Save on HVAC Energy Costs

Analysis of 6,000+ Users Reviewed Individual HVAC Usage, Not Industry Average Setpoints

able 1 Default Recommended Schedule Settings, as illustrated in our app

A recent analysis of more than 6,000 U.S. Honeywell Home thermostat users showed that consistently utilizing the scheduling feature of Honeywell Home smart thermostats maintains user comfort while leading to energy cost savings.

Average Savings: Honeywell Home thermostat users save on average 22% (heating users) and 17% (cooling users) on their HVAC energy consumption when using the recommended scheduling feature consistently.


  • Results are based on a random sample of 6,000+ U.S. Honeywell Home ENERGY STAR thermostat users that have a schedule routine. The schedule routine used a setpoint spread of 8 degrees Fahrenheit on heating setpoints and/or 7 degrees Fahrenheit on cooling setpoints for at least 14 days a month.
  • To reach these findings, actual HVAC equipment runtimes were compared to equipment runtimes estimated with user-selected comfort setpoints during both heating and cooling seasons in 2023.
  • Data analysis led to finding the average savings on HVAC energy costs, as opposed to the commonly used “up to” percentage of energy savings that only reports the highest-end possibilities.
  • Achieving these energy consumption savings can result in energy cost savings, regardless of electricity rates.

Honeywell Home smart thermostats can enable reduced energy bills when using the recommended setpoints.

Media Contact:
Sarah Reckard | Resideo Global Communications Leader |