ADI Customer Communication on Coronavirus
March 16, 2020
Dear valued customers,
We wanted to provide an update on how ADI’s global operations team is handling the global coronavirus (COVID-19) situation. As part of our strong commitment to mitigate any possible impact to your operations, we have taken the following steps as part of closely monitoring the developing situation and reviewing any potential shortages:
- Several weeks ago, we proactively increased safety stock on products where components or manufacturing is primarily conducted in China.
- We continue to monitor Supplier open orders and are actively working with our Supplier Partners to expedite orders past due.
- We developed an integrated business planning process with our Supplier Partners to identify their current inventory position, secondary and tertiary component sourcing, and levels of production so that we can respond with additional safety stock or order expedites where appropriate.
- We are engaged with our carriers to mitigate potential for container availability challenges and port congestion.
While our branches continue to remain open to serve customers, we’ve announced to our employees a proactive measure encouraging them to work remotely if their jobs allow it, to lessen large congregations of gatherings, instead encouraging all to use enabled technologies to collaborate. We have communicated the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended precautionary measures and any local regulatory requirements, which in some instances are more rigorous, to our employees to educate them and to help prevent the spread of any respiratory diseases. We are also working diligently to help ensure safe working environments for our employees, customers and visitors during the COVID-19 health concern.
If you have any concerns about exposure to COVID-19, ADI is happy to offer the following alternatives to assist with your needs:
- Orders can be shipped directly to you.
- Bypass the counter; utilize our PAT (Pick Up Anytime) service which will allow you to obtain your products safely and securely from our PAT room lockers located at select locations.
- Order via our eCommerce online site and have products delivered directly at https://www.adiglobal.com/.
While we presently have sufficient inventory in stock to meet existing demand, we commit to providing you with updates should the greater global COVID-19 concerns otherwise impact our ability to supply your needs. We will make these updates available at https://www.adiglobal.com/. for your convenience. Should you need further information, have any concerns and/or queries, please contact your account manager or customer service representative.
Thank you for your understanding.
Allie Copeland
Vice President, Global Operations