IAQ Solutions Overview
Indoor air quality solutions and a way forward in the age of coronavirus
The coronavirus (COVID-19) situation is transforming our society in virtually every way – medically, socially, psychologically and economically. As an HVAC professional, you’ve most likely had to change your approach to how you inform and interact with homeowners, balancing their needs to restore comfort with the need to protect their health and the health of your workers.
It’s a huge responsibility and there’s a lot to manage – from maintaining safety protocols during emergency HVAC repairs to keeping your team busy and your business afloat. As your HVAC solution partner, we want to provide some thoughts to help you move forward with a little more confidence in this age of uncertainty.
#1: Safety comes first – protect your team members
Obviously first and foremost, you, your office staff and your techs – especially those installing equipment in homes – should take precautions for your health. Here are some tips:
- - Check with each employee daily to ensure that they’re not experiencing any coronavirus symptoms or have come into contact with someone who has recently tested positive.
- - Before entering a home, understand if someone in the home has tested positive for the coronavirus.
- - Use disinfectant wipes to clean all electronic devices, and sanitize or wash your hands before and after each call.
- - Practice social distancing and remain six feet away from the homeowner and each other as much as possible.
#2: Focus your language and solutions on what you do best
Try to steer clear of medical talk and avoid in-depth discussions about how people can contract or prevent this specific virus, or how COVID-19 may be spreading or dissipating throughout your community. These statistics and situations can be very fluid and change daily.
Instead, here’s what you can do: focus on the fact that your customers and their families are spending more time indoors than ever, so the quality of the air they’re breathing is now even more important. As an HVAC and indoor air quality (IAQ) specialist, you can do something about that, and offer long-term solutions to help give customers the comfort and confidence they want – during the coronavirus situation and beyond.
#3: Help fight airborne contaminants and bring fresh air in
The truth is that there are no IAQ solutions on the market that are effective in protecting against COVID-19 or any respiratory virus. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), coronavirus is spread via droplets, usually through sneezing and coughing, and can temporarily stay suspended in the air depending on heat and humidity levels, but also live on hard surfaces.
The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) recently updated its position document on airborne infectious disease transmission, highlighting three methods that may help mitigate the spread of airborne viruses: ventilation, particle filtration and ultraviolet (UV) lights.
It’s clear that a comprehensive approach is needed to help reduce the effects of airborne contaminants and germs. At Resideo, we’re proud to offer you a full portfolio of solutions to help homeowners elevate their indoor air quality and help enhance their peace of mind, including:
- - UV Air Purifiers: Using powerful ultraviolet light to zap airborne contaminants and particles within the home’s ductwork and minimize recirculation
- - Whole-Home Air Filtration Solutions: High-performance electronic and media air filters that capture a higher percentage of potentially harmful airborne particles
- - Ventilation Solutions: Advanced, energy-efficient products to help optimize the home’s fresh air supply
- - Whole-Home Dehumidification Solutions: Helping to maintain proper humidity and helping to reduce mold and mildew growth, which can exacerbate existing IAQ issues
#4: Keep customers informed with regular air quality assessments
As the coronavirus situation begins to recede and your team starts making more regularly scheduled HVAC maintenance checks, we have a tool to help them identify potential IAQ challenges. Your techs can perform an Air Quality Assessment and get real-time data on six critical air quality factors. In just 30 minutes, they can show homeowners an easy-to-read digital report, along with customized solutions informed by data and backed by science. It’s a whole new way to look at their air
There’s no doubt that we’ve entered a new era as an industry, and partnerships and support are as important as ever. Know that Resideo will be there for you and your team, and stand with you as you take care of your customers and your business. For the latest Resideo updates related to COVID-19, visit: www.resideo.com/coronavirusupdate.