Communication Failure - LTE-CFV, HWF2V-COM, LTE-IV, LTE-L3V, Vista-21IPLTE
Resideo has discovered an anomaly that can lead to a communication failure in the following communicators: LTE-CFV, HWF2V-COM, LTE-IV, LTE-L3V, Vista-21IPLTE. This anomaly may cause the SIM card in the device to become locked and may lead to reports of communication failures. We have reports that certain communicators may have experienced this issue between March 19 and March 28, 2022. Additionally, devices that are set to 30-day check in that are not communicating can be confirmed with your sales representative (even if you have not yet received a communication failure message). Devices that are set up using IP and Cellular paths may have reported a secondary path failure instead of a communications failure. Once the issue occurs with a communicator, it will not recommence communications absent you are following the procedures below.
How to determine if your device is affected
Devices that are affected by this anomaly will show the following symptoms:
Locally on the device:
LEDs on the device will flash regularly at a rate of two times per second
On AlarmNet 360:
Devices performed normal check in procedures (QOS) for a period leading up to March 19, 2022. Beginning on March 19 through March 28, 2022, certain units stopped communicating and reported a communication failure as identified on the chart below.

Your sales person can provide you with a list of your MAC IDs that are potentially affected by this anomaly. Note that MAC IDs may have experienced a communication failure for other ordinary course reasons, including intentional decommissioning. This procedure will only remedy those devices evidencing the flashing pattern above.
Correction procedures
Devices that are affected by this issue must be corrected by replacing the SIM card. SIM cards will be available to order from Resideo Technical Support (800-645-7492) using the SKU SIMKITV. Additionally, ADI branches and hubs will stock SIMKITV, beginning on April 7 as needed. Finally, customers may also contact the Resideo Sales team to arrange for shipment of SIMs.
Procedures for replacing the SIMS will be included in the SIMKITV, we have also posted the procedures at this link: SIM Card Replacement
Resideo is confident that the anomaly that led to this issue is corrected and will not occur again after replacing the SIM.
Continued Resideo Support
Resideo is aware of the significant inconvenience that this will cause our customers. Please record all of the accounts where you remediated this issue, including MAC ID and SIM serial number. When you have addressed all issues with your communicators, please contact a member of the Resideo Sales team.
If you do need to contact a member of the Resideo sales team, the information for your regional sales representative can be found here: Sales Representative Contacts
As always, the Resideo Support team is available to provide any assistance that will be needed at the following number (800-645-7492)